EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Do You Trust Your Teammates?

Written by Ed Callahan | August 10, 2015

Trust in Teams Is Fundamental For Their Success

But what does trust really imply? Here Patrick Lencioni, best-selling author, consultant and expert on building winning teams, discusses the importance of trust and the difference between predictive trust and vulnerability-based trust within a company.

Patrick Lencioni was a featured speaker at the World Business Forum event in New York City on October 6-7, 2009 and led the Online Webinar "Building a Healthy Organization in Challenging Times" on June 19th, 2009 available on-demand.

If you can’t see this quick video, you can find it here on YouTube.

Do you agree that the most significant problem on leadership teams is the absence of trust? What about on your team? Do you trust your teammates? Can you even discuss trust in your team meetings? If not, you have a trust issue for sure.

Being open and honest starts with trust. EOS Implementers teach Lencioni’s Dysfunction Pyramid to help leadership teams understand that teamwork and success begin with trust.

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