EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Business Vision - Be clear, and you’re Guaranteed to Benefit

Written by Mike Paton | December 16, 2010

If you’ve been to either of EOS Midwest or EOS Worldwide’s home pages or seen any EOS materials, then you’ve read the phrase, “Clarify, Simplify and Achieve Your Vision.” There’s no way to miss it. We make an effort to emphasize it.

I lately have been thinking a lot about the phrase, and my takeaway is that it really is much more than a tagline.

Let’s focus on the first word: “Clarity.” A skeptic might find it easy to dismiss it as a bit cliché, or as “easier said than done.” But clarity does actually create real, enduring value.

How? Let me count the ways:

  • More than 30 of my clients have made major “People Moves” after using EOS’s Accountability Chart, Core Values and People Analyzer to clearly identify the root causes of at least one frustrating and costly People Issue.
  • By answering the eight questions on the V/TO, another 30-plus clients have aligned themselves around a common Vision. With everyone rowing in a single direction, the team spends less time worrying, analyzing and arguing, and more time getting things done.
  • Clarity also helps create real value for your company when you reach outside the organization. Several of my clients have used the V/TO, Accountability Chart and other EOS Tools to quickly and clearly tell investors, key hires and strategic partners where they’re going and how they plan to get there.

This last point can’t be stressed enough. An entrepreneur who can clearly explain where the business is going and how it plans to get there is surprisingly rare but extremely valuable. Even better is when they’re able to do that and show a potential partner that they have the right people and processes in place and have learned how to consistently execute on their plan.

If you can grab the steering wheel and take charge by doing all of that, you’ll stand out as the owner of a rare and precious thing: a truly great business.

Don’t take my word for it. I’ll close with a direct quote from the owner of a company just beginning its EOS journey:

“The V/TO was one of the single best selling tools I’ve ever had with an investor. In a very short period of time, he got what we were about, where we were going and how we planned to get there. It was pretty cool.