EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Leadership Team Development #9 – Leading vs. Managing

Written by Don Tinney | August 19, 2010

Leading and managing are very different endeavors.

Leadership is about:

  • working “ON” the business – getting out of the day-to-day battle to work on your strategy
  • providing clear direction to your people
  • creating openings for your people
  • thinking – envisioning and planning

Management is about:

  • working “IN” the business – getting the work done
  • clarifying expectations
  • communicating well
  • doing – execution

You can’t work “ON” your business if you are always working “IN” your business. For you and your leadership team to develop, you must set regular times aside to remove yourself from the day-to-day activity to think and work on your business as a team. To be smarter and faster and better, you actually need to stop, step out and refine your strategy. It’s part of becoming a great leader / leadership team.

Here is your one takeaway point for this week:

  • Set some times on your calendar to work on your business with your leadership team. If you are not already doing so, I would encourage you to follow The EOS Process.

Encouragement: If you are insanely busy, start with small time blocks to work initially on eliminating and delegating anything you can to bring your life more into balance. This will free more time to work on your business.