Creating Magic - 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies From A Life At Disney, by Lee Cockerell, is a great business book.
Organizational structure matters. Lee Cockerell makes the point in the second chapter with his Strategy #2: Break the Mold.
Cockerell tells the story of moving to France to help create Disneyland Paris where he immediately learned that success would depend largely on the quality of the restaurants, given that Europeans love their food.
Cockerell solved the problem by eliminating the middle layer and had the chefs report directly to the general manager, giving them the autonomy they thrive on. He was then able to recruit the top chefs because he told them that working at Disney was like working in an independent restaurant, where the only person they answered to was the owner.
Take a look at how your business is structured and ask yourself these questions:
To see an organizational chart when completed, read chapter 4 of Traction and/or download a sample of an Accountability Chart.