EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Simplify Business With Less

Written by Don Tinney | May 6, 2010

For some, simple business might appear to be an oxymoron. Almost all of the businesses I have worked with in the past 30 years have been anything but simple. Is it possible to keep business simple, with a simple business structure, a simple business plan, simple business processes and simple management - is it really possible to simplify business?

This morning, I Googled "simple business." The fourth listing on the search results page had this heading, "Simple Business Workshop - Welcome." When I went to the website, I received this message, "Workshops Cancelled. Unfortunately, the Simple Business Workshops have been cancelled due to lack of interest."

In the entry posted by Gino Wickman on May 3, he presents the ability to simplify as a necessary leadership skill. What does that look like in the very complex world of business?

In the simplest of terms, it just looks like less - condensing everything down to the essential parts:

  • In your vision or strategic plan - only what you care about most
  • In your people - only those people essential to achieving your vision
  • In your data, metrics or KPIs - only those critical numbers that give you an absolute pulse on your business
  • In solving your issues - only addressing the underlying root causes, not the myriad of symptoms
  • In your processes - only the essential procedural steps to produce the results you want in each of your core processes
  • In execution or gaining traction - clarifying the few priorities for the quarter, and conducting team meetings with a specific frequency and precise agenda to complete those priorities

The ability to simplify is all about identifying the essential. As we say around here, less is actually more.