EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

EOS Worldwide® Offers Work Life Balance Coaching for Business Owners

Written by EOS Worldwide | April 20, 2012

EOS Worldwide®, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), now offers work life balance coaching for business owners. According to the business management experts at EOS Worldwide, achieving a healthy work life balance is a common challenge among today’s small to mid-size business owners who are working hard to stay competitive. Don Tinney, Certified EOS Implementer™ said, “Being overworked and over stressed is common for business owners, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When you spend too much of your life focused on work, you can get burnt out and this makes it impossible to focus on both your personal and professional goals. Learning how to maintain a healthy balance between work and other meaningful priorities is essential for the success of any business owner, and when you can pass these skills on down to your staff, that just increases the benefits.”

As reported by EOS Worldwide, the key to achieving a positive work life balance involves strengthening six critical areas of your business. Adds Tinney, “Work life balance coaching for business owners can give you the tools you need to clarify, simplify and achieve your goals, offering solutions to remove any obstacles in your path.”

In addition to offering work life balance coaching, EOS Worldwide also offers leadership development resources, such as the recently updated leadership book Traction by EOS creator Gino Wickman, and EOS business owner webinars and training materials, all designed with the idea of helping business owners achieve their professional goals. Through a collaborative network of EOS Implementers, the company provides intensive training on mastering EOS within one’s own company and provides full support for in-house implementation.

Headquartered in Livonia, Michigan, EOS Worldwide has been delivering management solutions to businesses for over eleven years. Offering training, management resources and organizational assessments, EOS provides the tools business owners need to grow and manage their business in today’s dynamic business world. For more information, please visit http://eosworldwide.com.