EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

How to Start a Coaching Business Program Now Available from EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide | June 7, 2012

EOS Worldwide, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operation System®, (EOS®), have launched a training program designed to help individuals learn how to start a business coaching system by becoming a Professional EOS Implementer™. EOS Implementer training can be used by business owners and entrepreneurs who want to master the EOS leadership development system within their own organization, but the training was primarily designed for those professionals interested in carrying out implementation in multiple businesses. The training is a unique opportunity to interact with the most experienced EOS Implementers in the world – a rare opportunity for serious entrepreneurs and business leaders.

For those who want to learn how to start a coaching business program, EOS Implementer training combines A to Z online training, collaborative mentoring opportunities with certified implementers and resources for those who want to learn the EOS, a simple yet proven comprehensive business management system. Interested business professionals who want to learn more about the program can fill out a short online evaluation form and submit their contact information in order to be contacted by Don Tinney, Certified EOS Implementer™, co-owner and Vice President of EOS Worldwide. Mr. Tinney can help determine if the EOS Implementer training path is the right choice for those who are interested, and can provide details on what kinds of resources and support clients can expect once they have enrolled in the training.

In addition to offering EOS Implementer training, EOS also offers free webinars, in-person consultations and resources for business owners who are interested in maximizing their efforts and building a strong team. Through a collaborative network of EOS Implementers, the company provides intensive training on the EOS Toolbox™ and assists with facilitating its implementation in the workplace. Clients receive personalized coaching and guided lessons that will make them stronger leaders and that will strengthen their business for long-term success.

Headquartered in Livonia, Michigan, EOS Worldwide has been delivering management solutions to businesses for over ten years. Offering training, management resources and organizational assessments, EOS provides the tools business owners need to grow and manage their business in today’s dynamic business world. For more information, please visit eosworldwide.com.