One of the biggest challenges faced by owner-operators is accepting that they are accountable in a detailed way for the success of their business.
Too often the default behavior and underlying belief system is “Hey, I created this business; I get to run it any way I want and no one can tell me what to do, or what to pay myself, or anything else for that matter!” At the end of the day, those are true statements. No one can dispute them.
But an owner-operator who wants work life balance, who wants a team of leaders who care about the company as much as he or she does, must define the responsibilities of each management seat in the company, including the one they occupy. This brings clarity and excellence in execution. Our EOS clients accomplish this clarity by creating an Accountability Chart for each unique seat in their business. You can download a free copy here.
Letting go of the vine [management responsibilities and authority] is a real challenge, particularly if family members are involved, but the results are worth it. Read an earlier post about the Three Circles of Family Businesses here.
To be as successful as you want to be, as an owner-operator you owe it to yourself to be transparent about what you are responsible for in your business and expect, and allow, your management team to help you hold yourself accountable. And for non life style businesses, paying yourself for the value you add to the business is the right thing to do. The results are worth it.