EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Business Coaching Services Now Offered by EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide | July 27, 2012

EOS Worldwide, home of the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, now offers a variety of ways to master the proven leadership development system. The EOS®, a comprehensive business system that integrates a holistic business model with a complete set of simple business tools for business leaders, provides the keys to running a profitable, successful business. Through a variety of online resources, and in-person implementation sessions, the business coaching services offered by EOS Worldwide can help leaders grow a healthier, more successful organization.

Business owners who are interested in EOS coaching services are invited to take the EOS Organizational Checkup™ to assess the overall health of the business. The free organization checkup provides a marker for how a business is doing based on several factors that are critical to the success of any operation. Once weak areas are identified by the Checkup, an EOS Implementer™ can help businesses find their way to success through simple, practical leadership exercises that will improve effeciency throughout the organization.

EOS also offers free webinars, in-person consultations and resources for business owners who are interested in maximizing their business efforts and building a strong team. The company utilizes a collaborative network of Professional EOS Implementers to provide professional business coaching services to a variety of small to mid-size company’s throughout the US. The business coaching services provided by EOS Implementers includes intensive training on the EOS Toolbox™ and assistance with facilitating EOS implementation in the workplace. Clients receive personalized, guided lessons that are designed to make them better leaders and stronger contributors to the overall success of the business.

Headquartered in Livonia, Michigan, EOS Worldwide has been delivering management solutions to businesses for over ten years. Offering training, management resources and organizational assessments, EOS provides the tools business owners need to grow and manage their business in today’s dynamic business world. For more information, please visit eosworldwide.com.