EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Finding Your Way with The Process Component™

Written by EOS Worldwide | February 8, 2013

It’s impossible for leadership teams and business owners to fine-tune the business and develop a strategic plan for growth if the core processes found within the organization aren’t consistent. Business coaches or EOS Implementers™ teach the value of taking a high-level view into the organization, one where leadership teams look at all of the moving parts, stepping outside of their typical role in order to fully understand the big picture. For those who are deeply entrenched in the business (as most entrepreneurs are!), this is especially important, as it’s easy for processes to fall by the wayside when team members are focused on other things.

The Process Component™ is often one of the most neglected parts of a company that is struggling to grow. The Process Component is strengthened through the documentation of the six to 10 core processes that make up your unique business model. It’s common for this component to be taken for granted or undervalued by entrepreneurs and leaders, but without giving it the time and attention that it deserves, it can cost businesses money, time, efficiency and control.

Many leadership teams and business owners complain that they don’t have enough control over the business, and are unable to gain traction. In order to break through the ceiling and take their business to the next level, business coaches or EOS Implementers teach entrepreneurs to systemize their businesses by documenting the essential procedural steps in their core processes. This will help to identify and eliminate procedures that are unnecessary or ineffective. Once leadership teams start to document their core processes, they can then simplify and refining the core processes, and create consistency throughout the organization. For business owners, taking the time to clarify their core processes and hone them, makes it possible to run business as opposed to having the business run them.