EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Defining Vision with the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™)

Written by EOS Worldwide | August 25, 2012

Do you know where your company is going and what steps it will take to get there? Every effective leadership team has a strong vision statement that defines who they are, what they do, where they are going and how they will get there. EOS Implementers (business coaches who have been trained to apply EOS) help business owners define the vision of the business by completing the Vision/Traction Organizer™, or V/TO™. The V/TO helps leadership teams and business owners create a clear picture of where the company is going and how it will get there – and it does it all in only 2 pages.

Through business coaching, we are taught that creating a vision for the business is critical to maintaining a path to success; however, many individuals don’t know how to do this concisely. By completing the V/TO, leadership teams can come up with a vision and mission for the business that is easy to follow and that can be carried out throughout the organization, from the top down.

Leadership teams often take two days offsite, in special sessions facilitated by an EOS Implementer or business coach to eliminate the distractions of the office and achieve clarity and unity. This is the best way to get your leaders on the same page with the vision for your organization, seeing the same thing, wanting the same thing and able to articulate that vision to everyone else in your.

By taking the time to answer the 8 questions in the V/TO, leadership teams can define what they want from their business in very simple terms everyone can understand and embrace. Capturing your answers in your personal V/TO gives everyone in your business a common language and helps set everyone up for long-term success.