EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Selecting a Guarantee: Finding the Problem and Being the One to Solve It

Written by EOS Worldwide | September 19, 2012

When putting together a marketing strategy, business coaches and leadership teams will often take a deep dive into how the business operates and interacts with customers in order to develop a guarantee they will stand behind. From a business standpoint, a guarantee is your opportunity to pinpoint an industry wide problem and solve it. It can also be thought of as a pledge, commitment, or a promise. When customers know they can count on you for specific services the way they expect them, it will put their minds at ease and help you cultivate more business while developing a positive public image.

Business coaching prepares leadership teams to determine their guarantee as part of their marketing strategy. Having everyone on the same page regarding what you are promising customers encourages leadership teams to work together to ensure that promise is always carried out. By having the right people, processes and systems in place to meet those guarantees, you’ll be prepared for success.

When business coaches help leadership teams determine their guarantee, it’s not always something that happens on the first try. Take time to brainstorm with your team and make a list of what you believe are the biggest frustrations, fears and concerns for your customers when they are doing business with you. Select a guarantee that addresses these items and that enables your team to win more business. By differentiating yourselves as the best problem solver for a particular concern or issue that a customer may face, your business will stand out from the competition.