EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

EOS Worldwide and Benbella Publishers Announce Release of New Leadership Book for Entrepreneurs

Written by KevinQ | December 6, 2013

EOS Worldwide and Benbella Publishers recently announced a new book from founder Gino Wickman and co-author Mike Paton. In Get A Grip: An Entrepreneurial Fable...Your Journey to Get Real, Get Simple, and Get Results (BenBella Books, October 2012), based on a fictional account of a small business that implements Wickman’s Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), entrepreneurs will learn about how EOS encourages strong leadership development that helps them gain traction in their business. Bo Burlington, Editor-at-Large of Inc. Magazine and Author of Small Giants: Companies that Choose to be Great Instead of Big said, “After reading Get a Grip, I see clearly how implementing his Entrepreneurial Operating System could truly transform a business and put it on the road to greatness. This book will change your company – and your life.”

In Get a Grip, authors Wickman and Paton take readers behind the front lines of an entrepreneurial company to illustrate the gritty, frustrating inner workings of a company that’s hit the ceiling. In the process, they clearly illustrate how to resolve common entrepreneurial challenges by properly implementing EOS, a complete system of simple, practical tools that have helped thousands of businesses worldwide, and is laid out in Wickmans’s top-selling book, Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business (BenBella Books, April 2012). With characters and situations created from collective business experiences and stories, Get a Grip is a fable that will ring true for entrepreneurial leaders across the world.

EOS Worldwide offers free webinars, in-person consultations and resources for business owners who are interested in maximizing their efforts in goal setting and in building a strong leadership team. EOS is a simple, yet proven comprehensive business management system that is highly effective in helping small to mid-size businesses develop strong leadership teams and well-defined business goals. The online training and webinars provided by the company were designed to teach individuals everything they need for teaching, facilitating and coaching, including helpful tips and techniques for working with leadership teams.

Headquartered in Livonia, Michigan, EOS Worldwide has been delivering management solutions to businesses for over ten years. Offering training, management resources and organizational assessments, EOS provides the tools business owners need to grow and manage their business in today’s dynamic business world. For more information, please visit eosworldwide.com.