EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Same-Page Meeting Video

Written by Mike Paton | July 22, 2019

If you have a visionary/integrator relationship, or you own or run a business along with one or more partners or co-owners – watch this three-minute video.

The “Same Page Meeting” is a simple, effective discipline Gino Wickman created and our 300+ Professional EOS Implementers around the globe have been sharing with business owners and leaders for the last dozen years. It’s designed to keep business partners and/or visionary/integrator duos 100 percent on the same page – which eliminates wasteful indecision and dysfunction within the leadership team (and beyond). It allows everyone to focus their energy on hitting numbers, completing Rocks, keeping customers and employees happy - and solving Issues.

The agenda is very simple - this short video will give you the exact “how-tos” for a great Same Page Meeting.

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