This is the moment when celebrating progress becomes very strategic. Taking time to fully acknowledge progress can supply you with the inspiration and energy to run the next 10 miles. Moving forward from where you started to a point somewhere down the path does feel good and does give birth to hope, but there is something about progress that is even more inspiring and energizing.
As you look forward with your team from where you are today to predict and pick your next steps, you’ll notice something important. You'll see exciting possibilities and opportunities that, prior to the progress you just made, were not visible. Now they’re right in front of you. The future you are now looking into is clearer, brighter, and better. Picking the few, most important things to do in your next year to continue making great progress towards that future ignites passion and energy in the whole team, and it gets more energizing every year. At the end of your second year, pause and celebrate progress again. Think about how far you have moved forward and how much clearer you are seeing the brighter, better path ahead.
Predict, run, celebrate. Predict better, run, celebrate. Repeat forever. Enjoy your journey.