EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Conflict in the Workplace

Written by Don Tinney | April 2, 2018

Some people are great at avoiding conflict in the workplace. All you need to do is keep your mouth shut or yield to the strongest voice in the room. If I am describing you, I want you to consider how damaging that behavior is for both you and your team. I also hope to give you some simple, practical suggestions for becoming a healthier fighter.

Conflict in the workplace is risky. I get that. It makes us uncomfortable, tense and our emotions can flare. But what should we expect from passionate teammates who are all fighting for outcomes that matter a lot? When we work with intelligent, creative, passionate people, we’re bound to have occasions when we see things differently. Conflict in the workplace is not only unavoidable in a growing, healthy organization, it’s essential!

Conflict Helps You Become Your Best

Your team will never become its best without conflict. The BEST answer to almost every issue you face will be a composite of the creativity and knowledge of the various players on your team. If you aren’t contributing anything to those best answers by opening your mouth and sharing your insights – as risky as that might feel – you are doing your team a great disservice.

Here are my few suggestions for healthier conflict in the workplace, and this comes from lots of personal experience – good and bad.

  • Face it. You’re not that smart. Set your ego aside and open yourself up to other thoughts. None of us has all the answers, and if you do, you need to surround yourself with new people who are smarter than you. To get to the truly great answers, we need to collaborate and mix it up with some great, passionate fighters.
  • As soon as it becomes about you, you’ve lost. Self-interest leads to combative, destructive behavior, so keep everyone focused on the greater good of the whole team.
  • Attack the issue, never each other. Focus on resolving the root cause behind each issue. Even when the issue concerns someone’s behavior, identify the root cause behind the behavior and focus on resolving that.
  • Take a break. When you get stuck or tempers have flared and it seems like you’re at an impasse, step away from each other and the issue for a short time, cool down, consider everything you’ve heard and then come back to see if the answer comes to the surface. Sometimes it’s just a 10 minute break, sometimes a day or two. Just let it settle a while, and the answer will come.

The good fruit that comes from healthy conflict in the workplace is worth all the risk and personal discomfort. Commit to being better fighters and see how that produces a healthier, more prosperous team.

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