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Video: Happiness Matters at Zappos

Written by Ed Callahan on May 21, 2014

Implementers EOS

Video: Happiness Matters at Zappos

Tony Hsieh, the founder and CEO of online shoe company Zappos, believes that happiness matters. Tony believes that you will be happy if you fit in the company for which you work. In this 4 1/2 minute video he tells us that if you get the culture of your company right, good things will follow.

They do two sets of interviews at Zappos. One for talent fit – can you do the job? And, as importantly, one for culture fit – do you fit in this company? You will only be hired at Zappos if you pass both interviews. All candidates are also told that they can be fired for incompetence but that they also can be fired for violating the Core Values.

All companies who run their businesses on EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, know this. All EOS companies discover and live by their Core Values. EOS has a wonderfully simple, but powerful, tool for helping you measure how people are doing on both sides of the equation – talent and values. It’s called the People Analyzer. I wrote an earlier post about how the People Analyzer works, called How Do You Decide Who You Should Hire. You can find it here. You can download a copy of the People Analyzer here.

If you can’t see the video above, you can find it here on YouTube.

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