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How To Know If You Are a Visionary Or An Integrator

Written by CJ DuBe' on January 20, 2020

Entrepreneurial organizations usually have two types of leaders at the helm: Visionaries and Integrators. Which one are you?

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The More I Work In My Business, The Less It's Worth

Written by Ed Callahan on November 4, 2019

How can it be true that the more I work in my business, the less it’s worth?

I first heard this comment from a fellow EOS Implementer™, Kevin Armstrong, who hails from Vancouver. He explained that the notion came to him when he was working with a small business owner who wanted to sell his business. 

To the business owner’s dismay, a valuation expert told him that because he had always controlled everything and had not developed a strong leadership team, the valuation he desired was dependent on him staying in the business. He was stuck!

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Expect Good Turnover

Written by Ken DeWitt on February 11, 2019

Years ago, I bought my dream car: a three-year-old 1984 BMW 528e. Suddenly, I started noticing other BMWs just like mine on the road everywhere.

Psychologists tell us that this is the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, otherwise known as frequency illusion or recency illusion. This occurs when the thing you've just noticed, experienced, or been told about, suddenly seems to crop up constantly.

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Visionary & Integrator: The Ultimate Dynamic Duo

Written by Dean Breyley on February 7, 2019

Even the best superheroes have partners. Wearing a cape means that it takes someone particularly understanding to enter into a relationship that is likely to be fraught with peril.

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Opening the Bottleneck

Written by Dean Breyley on February 4, 2019

Bottlenecked, gridlocked, congested – there are lots of ways to describe how it feels when a business gets stuck. We’ve all been there at some point in our work, and once you realize you are there, you immediately start searching for ways to get "unstuck."

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