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Good Problem Solving is Like Flying Through the Eye of a Hurricane

Written by Randy Taussig on November 21, 2019

I often remind my clients that an issue is just that… an issue. 

In other words, there is nothing they can’t solve. It’s simply that some issues are bigger and more emotionally charged than others.

People issues usually top the list as the toughest to take on. Many leaders delay addressing these problems because they fear they will be painful and result in unpleasant outcomes. Good problem solving is like reaching the eye of a hurricane.

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Issues Solving with Speed

Written by Dan Wallace on April 15, 2019

Bill Clinton made his national debut with a speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. He went on for 90 minutes. By far his biggest applause line of the night was “And so, in conclusion. . .” If only he’d started there. 

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Expect Good Turnover

Written by Ken DeWitt on February 11, 2019

Years ago, I bought my dream car: a three-year-old 1984 BMW 528e. Suddenly, I started noticing other BMWs just like mine on the road everywhere.

Psychologists tell us that this is the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, otherwise known as frequency illusion or recency illusion. This occurs when the thing you've just noticed, experienced, or been told about, suddenly seems to crop up constantly.

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Great Leaders Decide!

Written by Chris Naylor on January 31, 2019

The mark of a great leader is consistently being a great decider! When you think about it, all business activity really comes down to two simple things: Making decisions and executing on decisions.

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3 Ways to Build Trust in Your Organization

Written by Jim Coyle on December 20, 2018

The foundation to a healthy team = trust. The fabric of all organizations = teams. So, the more trusting your teams are, the healthier you will be as an organization.

I just did what Ms. Shultz taught you in your dreaded geometry class: if A = B and B = C, then A must equal C. It’s one of the tenets of sound logic. 

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