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Four Tips For "Crushing" Your Rocks Every Quarter

Written by Marisa Smith on November 29, 2018

Don’t you love the feeling of walking out of your Quarterly session with clear Rocks focused on solving the company’s highest priority issues for the next quarter? And doesn’t it drive you crazy when you get to your next Quarterly and realize that your team has only completed 40% of them?

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Off The Hook

Written by Marisa Smith on November 19, 2018

In a recent session with a client, several leadership team members mentioned during their check-in that EOS® was “not working.” The Integrator expressed frustration that they were not making enough progress and worried that their investment in the process was not paying off.

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3 Steps to Improve Your Level 10 Meeting™

Written by Sue Hawkes on September 24, 2018

Have you struggled to find 90 minutes for your leadership team to meet every week? Do you continue to shoplift time and hijack people throughout the week when there are issues in your business? If so, it’s time to give your Level 10 Meeting a tune up.

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What Relationship Do You Have With Your Issues List?

Written by Mike Paton on April 26, 2018

After a full and productive Annual Season with my clients, I’m always left reflecting on some common themes. This year, what resonated most was the relationship between members of a leadership team and a company’s Issues List. That reflection led me to a question every leader should ask:

"What verb describes how I most frequently impact our company’s Issues List?"

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Add This To Your “Don't Do” List

Written by Don Tinney on March 22, 2018

Success comes from making good choices about what to do and what NOT to do. Often our biggest breakthroughs occur when we decide to stop doing something. So here’s something we can all put on our Don’t Do List that will change our lives positively forever: STOP discussing the past!

It’s history. Its only value is in what you can learn to help you make better decisions in the present.

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