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Marisa Smith

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Four Ways to Use Your Core Values to Attract and Hire Great People

Written by Marisa Smith on August 1, 2019

Companies running on EOS® know that articulating and communicating your Core Values is essential to getting the right people in the right seats to help you achieve your vision. That’s because these values define the characteristics that you want every single person in the company to share so you can build the culture you want in your company. 

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Four Tips For "Crushing" Your Rocks Every Quarter

Written by Marisa Smith on November 29, 2018

Don’t you love the feeling of walking out of your Quarterly session with clear Rocks focused on solving the company’s highest priority issues for the next quarter? And doesn’t it drive you crazy when you get to your next Quarterly and realize that your team has only completed 40% of them?

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Off The Hook

Written by Marisa Smith on November 19, 2018

In a recent session with a client, several leadership team members mentioned during their check-in that EOS® was “not working.” The Integrator expressed frustration that they were not making enough progress and worried that their investment in the process was not paying off.

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Only Four More To Go

Written by Marisa Smith on September 13, 2018

Before implementing EOS® in my business, my number one pet peeve was repeating myself. It was frustrating to feel like people weren’t listening to me, and it also seemed incredibly inefficient to say the same thing more than once. And anyone who knows me, knows that I am all about efficiency!

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Three Ways to Use Your 3 Uniques in Your Marketing

Written by Marisa Smith on August 30, 2018

During the check-in portion of a recent quarterly session with a client, several team members mentioned that their Marketing Strategy was “not working”. When I dug a little deeper during the V/TO review, everyone agreed that the Marketing Strategy was correct - they just weren’t sure what to do now that their 3 Uniques™ were defined.

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