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Jim Coyle

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For The Greater Good

Written by Jim Coyle on January 16, 2020

I am sitting in a session with a client and we are making sure to flush out all the issues. 

The sales and marketing director is going through his list as I write them up on the board. He finishes his list by saying, “And I need to be on the Issues List as well.” This gathered a few looks but I told the group that we had bigger fish to fry so we were not going to dive into solving any of the issues just yet. 

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What's Your Secret Sauce?

Written by Jim Coyle on November 14, 2019

No one cares what you do.

I know this seems a bit harsh but it is a reality. There are many other companies that do what you do and can fulfill the need your company currently fills. 

But can they do it HOW you do it?

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You Don’t Need Agreement, You Need Commitment

Written by Jim Coyle on September 26, 2019

Many of my clients talk about the struggle they’re having with getting agreement on their team. They say things like “my team is just not on the same page” or “I need to build consensus with my staff.” When I hear this, my answer is always the same: you don’t need agreement, you need commitment. Here’s what I mean…

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Is Your Company Getting Everything It Needs from the Visionary Seat?

Written by Jim Coyle on May 20, 2019

Hey Ms./Mr. Visionary, is your company getting everything it needs from the Visionary Seat? Not sure?

Start with these questions to find out:

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3 Ways to Build Trust in Your Organization

Written by Jim Coyle on December 20, 2018

The foundation to a healthy team = trust. The fabric of all organizations = teams. So, the more trusting your teams are, the healthier you will be as an organization.

I just did what Ms. Shultz taught you in your dreaded geometry class: if A = B and B = C, then A must equal C. It’s one of the tenets of sound logic. 

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