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How To Know If You Are a Visionary Or An Integrator

Written by CJ DuBe' on January 20, 2020

Entrepreneurial organizations usually have two types of leaders at the helm: Visionaries and Integrators. Which one are you?

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The Dangers of Shiny Things

Written by Ben Berman on December 26, 2019

There’s a term to describe tempting opportunities outside of an organization’s core competencies: “Shiny Things.” 

Like sparkling diamonds or the flashing lights of fame, these opportunities beckon. Shiny things lure even the most rational leadership teams into poor strategic choices with real implications. When confronted with a new opportunity -- a shiny thing -- you’ll need to ask if it is a “core” or is it a “lure”

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Is Your Business Guilty of Dysfunctional Parenting?

Written by Don Maranca on November 25, 2019

My son didn’t like what he heard from me, so he went to his mom and got the answer he wanted. We call this “the end-run,” -- it also happens in business. 

For example, have you ever experienced dissension in your organization where employees sided with one leader over the other? It’s like a reality show where alliances are created to overtake the other party.

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Same-Page Meeting Video

Written by Mike Paton on July 22, 2019

If you have a visionary/integrator relationship, or you own or run a business along with one or more partners or co-owners – watch this three-minute video.

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Understanding a Visionary

Written by Gino Wickman on July 8, 2019

As I’ve said many times, EOS® is two things:

  1. A system for managing human energy in an organization
  2. Adderall for Visionaries

This message is focused on #2: the Visionary.

EOS was created out of a passion for helping Visionary entrepreneurs get everything they want out of their businesses.

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