The mark of a great leader is consistently being a great decider! When you think about it, all business activity really comes down to two simple things: Making decisions and executing on decisions.
Chris Naylor
Recent Posts
Topics: EOS, IDS, decision-making
In his book, Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the World’s Greatest Companies, Jim Stengel said it best: purpose mobilizes people in a way that pursuing profits alone never will.
Topics: EOS, Core Focus, Vision/Traction Organizer
Do you have too much on your plate? Feeling overwhelmed and unfocused at work? Juggling too many priorities? If so, now’s the time to schedule a Clarity Break! If you’re not doing them, you’re at a disadvantage – possibly missing opportunities to reach your full potential.
Topics: EOS, Clarity, Solving Issues
It’s that time of year when there’s a lot of buzz about New Year’s resolutions. But with all the excitement and possibilities of the new year, a commonly held statistic is that only 8% of people actually keep their resolutions. That means that 92% of people fail each year!!
Topics: EOS, Goals, Vision/Traction Organizer
Are you spending too much time doing things you’re not passionate about in your business? Do you find yourself buried in nonproductive details and trapped in complex, energy-draining activities? Or, have you wondered what happened to the original energy and passion you had for the business?
Topics: EOS, Organization, Tools, Delegate