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The High Impact and Low Cost of Recognition

Written by John McMahon on January 9, 2020

Human beings are hard-wired to crave recognition. 

When we know that others are seeing us in a positive light, our brains release a few chemicals into our systems that make us feel good both physically and emotionally. This feeling encourages us to engage or move towards the source that triggered it. 

In short, we move closer because we want more of that feeling.

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Scorecards Vs. Dashboards

Written by Ed Callahan on December 16, 2019


The Scorecard is one of the foundational tools we teach our EOS® clients.  When I explain that it is a tool to enable management by exception, many of my clients respond that they do that already with a dashboard.

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Shopping For “Shoes”

Written by CJ DuBe' on August 22, 2019

If you read my previous blog post, you know that I was obsessed with my Grandmother Bessie’s shoe closet growing up. And the obsession with shoes has followed me through life. To this day I love shoe shopping, but it’s not about just ANY shoe – it’s about the RIGHT shoe.

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There's a Tool for That

Written by Mike Paton on August 5, 2019

Tool (noun): “An instrument…used in performing a task necessary in the practice of a vocation.”

For most people, that definition may evoke the image of a carpenter using a hammer, a quilter using a needle and thread, or an electrician using a pair of needle-nose pliers. All simple and practical tools are used by people with varying levels of skill and experience to build, or fix, or create something.

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Using The Right Business Tools, Training & Process

Written by Rene Boer on June 17, 2019

When I was in my teens, my dad bought me a Norelco triple-head electric shaver for Christmas. It was a state-of- the-art tool ready to tackle the dozen or so hairs that were beginning to sprout on my chin. I used it for many years until I became frustrated by its inefficacy to closely shave what was emerging as a full beard. So, I switched to a new double-blade razor. Soon that was replaced by a triple-blade razor but, it seemed that no razor was up to the task.

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