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The High Impact and Low Cost of Recognition

Written by John McMahon on January 9, 2020

Human beings are hard-wired to crave recognition. 

When we know that others are seeing us in a positive light, our brains release a few chemicals into our systems that make us feel good both physically and emotionally. This feeling encourages us to engage or move towards the source that triggered it. 

In short, we move closer because we want more of that feeling.

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Why the Most Successful Companies Do Less

Written by John McMahon on May 26, 2016

During a recent client session I asked the team, "What can we do next quarter to improve our performance on quarterly rocks?" One member said she needed to improve her ability to multitask. Caught up in the moment, I responded, "There is no such thing as multitasking; it’s a myth that some use to explain away our lack of focus on what’s important." I then admitted that I also struggle with what seems like an impossible balancing act of competing priorities.

In his book Essentialism, the Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown describes the fast and sophisticated world most of us live in. He paints a very clear picture of how and why this happens. McKeown also provides an excellent framework for rethinking our habits in order to live a more purpose-driven life, both personally and professionally.

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