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Written by Ed Callahan on June 26, 2014

Implementers EOS

SWATMProcess is the fifth of the six EOS key components. EOS teaches that for an entrepreneurial company to scale effectively and profitably, it has to document its six to twelve core processes. It should document the processes in an entrepreneurial way – which is to say, document the 20% of the process that get you an 80% return. Once that is done, the company has to ensure that the processes are being followed by everyone. Fully implementing this key component allows the leaders to work on the business and the employees to work in the business.

The Core Processes typically include:

  • Your HR Process,- how you recruit, hire, reward, celebrate, compensate and sometimes fire employees
  • Your Marketing Process,- how you drive brand awareness and find prospects
  • Your Sales Process,- how you convert prospects to customers
  • Your Operations Process,- how you deliver your goods or services, which may actually be several processes
  • Your Finance Process,- how you count the beans
  • Your Customers/Employee Satisfaction Process – how you validate you have happy ones

A hat tip to Mike Paton, Minneapolis EOS Master Implementer extraordinaire, who coined the acronym SWATM. SWATM is a simple 5 step test to employ to see whether your Core Processes are documented and institutionalized.

SWATM stands for,-

  • Simplified? (20/80 rule)
  • Written down?
  • Agreed to by all pertinent employees?
  • Trained everybody?
  • Measuring that they are followed by all.

Might this help you in your company?

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