EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Sing for Your Audience

Written by Christina Mack | October 11, 2010

Dan Sullivan taught me something very powerful a few years ago that has helped many of my clients, and I hope he will help you today.

I’m sure you’ve experienced the connection, power, and emotion from a great performance. Dan explained how the truly great singers are great because they sing for their audiences. However, a singer often then lets his or her ego take over; the performance starts to become all about him or her, and it’s the beginning of the end. The decline begins. We’ve all seen this many times.

The question is this: Are you singing for your audience? Your customers or clients are your audience, and it should be all about them. If it has become more about you or your company, it’s the beginning of the end. If one note of the song is about you, you’re missing a huge opportunity to connect with your customer or clients on a much deeper level, which creates more opportunity and retention. Know their needs, wants, and challenges.

Make it all about them.