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Christina Mack

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Make Your Meetings Great!

Written by Christina Mack on July 25, 2011

Assuming you’re having regular meetings with your leadership team—we recommend 90 minutes per week with the following Level 10 meeting agenda (download here)—there’s a way to improve, evolve, and perfect your meetings with a very simple discipline.

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Halfway Point of 2011 - How to Finish Strong

Written by Christina Mack on June 28, 2011

Hello all:

We are at the halfway point of the year, and whether you're on track to hit your goals for 2011, well ahead, or a little behind, I offer the following three actions to help you finish the year strong:

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Gino's Passionate Plea - Phase III

Written by Christina Mack on May 6, 2011

Now that you've followed through with Passionate Pleas I and II, it's time to get back to the basics.

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Gino's Passionate Plea - Phase II

Written by Christina Mack on May 6, 2011

I’m noticing two key issues right now.

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A Passionate Plea From Gino

Written by Christina Mack on May 6, 2011

People have been surprised to hear that most of my clients are still growing, and that almost all are remaining profitable in these challenging times. Obviously this is contrary to what you hear in the media. How are they beating the odds? They are doing the basics, and staying disciplined and logical (more on that in a minute).

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