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Answer Two Questions to Manage Your Time Effectively

Written by Don Tinney on March 12, 2018

From time to time, I have clients ask me if I can do anything to help them with personal time management. Typically, they have put too much on their plate and they can't figure out how to get everything done. Here’s what I’ve learned over the years as I transitioned from a poor time manager to a more effective time manager: There's a big difference between time management and effective time management.

For many of us, time management boils down to managing our to-do lists – trying to get more done and checking it off our lists within prescribed deadlines. But doing more doesn't mean we are achieving what we want.

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The Biggest Reason You Don't Accomplish More (And How to Fix It)

Written by Mike Kotsis on April 27, 2017

Running a business isn't easy. If you're like most business leaders, you've got a lot you want to accomplish.

In a recent client session, the team had an a-ha moment while we were setting priorities for the next 90 days. They were frustrated because they felt like there was never enough time in the day to get stuff done. Even though they had clear priorities for the 90-day period, things just kept coming up throughout the quarter that they felt obligated to tackle right then. This put them over their time capacity.

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Let It Go

Written by Preston True on March 31, 2016

For any of us who are parents, the process of “letting go” of our children can be one of the most difficult experiences with which to deal. We’ve birthed them, we’ve fed them, we’ve clothed them, we’ve gotten furious with them, we’ve had compassion for them, we’ve held them in our arms when things got scary or confusing, and celebrated many a success with them. We’ve made an enormous investment of our time, our effort, and our hearts.

But at some point, we have to let them go. They are ready to face the world without us; to create experiences, success, and resolve issues on their own.

As well intended as it might be, if we hold on too long or too tight, they won’t grow.

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Get What You Want From Your Business

Written by Mike Paton on June 22, 2015

This week I was fortunate enough to conduct workshops for a room full of entrepreneurs in two different cities. I say fortunate, because time is always precious for busy entrepreneurs. Those who regularly take the time to learn, share, and grow inspire me. It’s a great honor when they give some of that time to me.

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Lifeless Tedium

Written by Don Tinney on January 25, 2012

A friend of mine who ministers to very poor communities in Mexico recently wrote, “Passion without organization produces frivolous fluff but organization without passion leads to lifeless and purposeless tedium.”

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