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Preston True

Preston True is a connector, speaker, and passionate believer in the power of simplicity, clarity, and process. He’s started and operated several entrepreneurial companies and helped manage several others, both large and small. Preston is a professionally trained EOS implementer.

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8 Simple Steps to Building Your Sales Machine

Written by Preston True on August 17, 2017

“We are an organic growth company, not an active growth company.”

This is a verbatim quote from a recent client session. While there’s nothing wrong with these words, there is a challenge when relying on “organic” (or passive) growth when you want to double your sales revenue this year.

“Everyone lives by selling something,” according to Robert Louis Stevenson. We are all selling, all the time. We may not see it that way, but we’d benefit by taking a large part of the mystery out of selling. Keep the mystery in place and we don’t meet growth goals. Worse yet, we get into real trouble.

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Stretch Your Thinking to Tighten up Your Results

Written by Preston True on March 9, 2017

“There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic timeframes.” – Dan Sullivan

The past three months have been full of annual planning sessions in which we review what we accomplished in 2016 and identify what we aim to achieve in 2017, especially in the first quarter.

Many companies had a great year in 2016. Some of the wins were tangible, dollar-driven results, while others were more qualitative. Wrapping up the year is absolutely a time for celebration, and it’s also a great time to reflect on what’s been learned and what lies ahead for 2017.

But not all goals were achieved.

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What's Wrong with the Company Data You're Using?

Written by Preston True on January 30, 2017

Data is key to getting things done. But data is just an indicator, not an objective. It’s our use of data that truly drives results.

“Expert” may be a level of status for which we strive, but many “experts” have a gift for complicating things. Take a recent client conversation, for example.

One team member positioned himself as an expert in data. He created a list of the top 37 data points he felt the company needed to measure. When asked for the weekly goal of each metric, the data expert shared two reasons weekly goals were very difficult to define:

  • Much of the data was very difficult to access
  • The weekly goal would likely change based on several factors

This client has struggled for months to understand what the health of their business was each week.

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Get Rid of Your Job Descriptions

Written by Preston True on October 6, 2016

A client reached out recently with the following:

“Stacy and I are planning to have a ‘difficult’ conversation with Joe tomorrow. His performance is leaving a lot to be desired. I suspect he will be surprised. We plan to talk in terms of core values, capabilities and accountabilities, but acknowledge that Stacy and I may have created some of this problem by stepping in and assuming some of his responsibilities (rather than holding him accountable). He may be in the wrong seat and, as we define the seats on the Accountability Chart, he may be better suited for a different role. Did we screw up?”

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Are You Clouding the Truth at your Company?

Written by Preston True on June 23, 2016

According to Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach, there are two things we can’t look at directly: the sun, and the truth. Without clouds or filters, both can be incredibly painful to look at directly. With one, we’ll actually go blind.

So how do we know what’s happening with the sun or the truth if we can’t look directly at them?

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