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Planning for 2012

Written by Rene Boer on November 3, 2011

Are you hoping that things will be better in 2012 or do you have a plan in place that is fueling your optimism? Are you worrying about things that are outside of your control or addressing issues that are well within your control?

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Gino's Passionate Plea - Phase II

Written by Christina Mack on May 6, 2011

I’m noticing two key issues right now.

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Plan for Tomorrow Today

Written by Gino Wickman on April 28, 2011

Most people start their day with no plan and drift into the office like rudderless ships. Great leaders and managers plan for tomorrow today, which lets them be proactive and in control instead of reactive.

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People Issues - Sleep Better Tonight by Curing the “Yeah Buts”

Written by Mike Paton on April 18, 2011

Entrepreneurs often say, "People Issues are complicated." Are they?

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Become a Successful Entrepreneur - Do Something Unreasonable

Written by Mike Paton on February 7, 2011

Seth Godin’s excellent blog post yesterday and one of my clients served to inspire this message. Godin offers one or two posts daily – generally short and packed with insight. If you’re not already a subscriber, it’s worth adding to your list.

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