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Four Steps To Help Your Leadership Team Grow

Written by Don Maranca on January 23, 2020

Recently, I was having a client session with a company owner and his leadership team. 

I asked the team if it had been implementing the tools in the EOS Toolbox™️ they learned down to their direct reports. A few awkward moments followed, filled with blank stares and silence. That’s when the owner broke in...

“What I heard is you don’t have faith in your people.”

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Why You Have To Fire 'Ned'

Written by Sean McDermott on January 6, 2020

Knowing which employees really “belong” in your company is a puzzle.

Life and business go smoothly when your people fit your company’s culture (“Right Person”) and sit in seats that they’re ideally built for (“Right Seat”).

On the flip side, the cost of getting it wrong is also very real. So how do you know if  you have the Right People sitting in the Right Seats?

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Improving Leadership With the Power of 7

Written by Anthony Wood on December 19, 2019

I recently had a slightly humorous, but nonetheless, very forceful reminder of the power of repetition when communicating with your team. 

In the world of EOS®, we subscribe to the premise that you have to say something seven times to be truly heard.

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Facing the Unavoidable with Uncommon Courage

Written by Dan Wallace on December 5, 2019

Recently, one of our client teams found themselves facing a difficult decision. 

They realized that two functions they’d always kept separate really belonged under one leader. Keeping them separate created unnecessary complexity, causing extensive debates about overlapping resources, workflow and priorities. Combining them would eliminate confusion, increase speed and quality, and make the company more responsive to its customers. That part was easy. 

The hard part? 

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Process Component™ Roundup: 5 Posts To Move You Towards 100% Strong

Written by CJ DuBe' on October 10, 2019

In a recent Clarity Break™️ Thought, EOS® Visionary Mike Paton provided four myth-busting truths to help you discover a real passion for strengthening the fifth component of the EOS Model™  -- Process.

While it may not be the component you are most passionate about, when applied correctly, it results in simplicity, scalability, efficiency, and profitability. Results like that are sure to turn the head of any entrepreneur.

Here are five blog posts that will help you tap into that passion and move you towards being 100% strong in the Process Component:

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