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Life's Too Short

Written by Don Tinney on July 16, 2012

Implementers EOS

I regularly encounter people who linger in a bad situation. They come home from work without the energy to do something positive with the rest of their day. Sometimes it’s the other way around. Their home environment saps them of the energy they need to contribute positively in their business. Some allow such realities to define their existence.

Change – the unknown – is scary. I get that, but life’s too short.

Life’s too short for you to live with issues that deplete your positive, creative energy. Life’s too short to be using precious time on things that don’t matter. We can choose between the important and the not important in every situation – most of us just don’t live that intentionally.

Start now! Take the intentional step to change something, apply something or create something to improve your life. Be bold because you’re running out of time.

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