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Integrators and Visionaries

Written by EOS Worldwide on December 13, 2012

Business Coaches Traction Leadership Teams

For business coaches and EOS Implementers™, the roles of Integrators and Visionaries are an essential part of any organization, no matter how big or how small. In a partnership, EOS Implementers typically identify the visionary as the owner, co-owner or founder, while the integrator is often the CEO, president or general manager. The integrator and the visionary couldn’t be more different in terms of how they think and problem solve, however, when their individual Unique Ability® is correctly matched together and they are working toward the same business goals, the results can be exciting.

In order to maintain harmony among the major functions of the business, every company needs an integrator. The integrator can have many other titles, but no matter what you call it, the right integrator for any organization is the person who has the Unique Ability® to manage daily issues as they come up and the ability to integrate all thee major functions of the business – Sales and Marketing, Operations and Finance – into one harmonious group. Put simply, the integrator acts as the glue that keeps the team together.

Visionaries are the “dreamers” in the organization. A visionary is that person who is always coming up with a list of ideas every week for the business, and who is a natural creative problem solver. Visionaries tend to operate more on emotion than on logic and strongly value the company culture. Visionaries offer integrators a creative insight to the business, while integrators provide the logical approach that is also needed.

Once the Accountability Chart, which identifies the three main areas of the business is completed, you’ll see that the people who head up the major functions of the business are the leadership team, who work together with the integrator and the visionary to maintain smooth operations for the main areas of the business. When you’ve got the right pieces in place in terms of your leadership teams and other roles, you can achieve the accountability you need to take the business to the next level.

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