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The Going-to-the-Sun-Road

Written by Rene Boer | August 9, 2012

I just returned from a vacation where I experienced the ultimate “clarity break” – cycling the Canadian Rockies and the “Going-to-the-Sun-Road” through Logan Pass in Glacier National Park. To say that the views are spectacular would be an understatement. The word “awesome” is overused these days – describing everything from hot dogs to fries. However, the Road to the Sun is truly AWESOME!

The views are spectacular, but what’s truly awesome is how The Road was built. Constructed during the 1920’s and dedicated in 1933 the 50-mile road connects the east and west sections of the park beginning in West Glacier and climbing to an elevation of 6646 feet through Logan Pass before descending to St. Mary. It was literally carved, tunneled and chopped through terrain that gives one a sense of the construction challenge - Avalanche Creek, the Garden Wall, and the Weeping Wall.

I cycled the first 20 miles through a dense fog before climbing above the clouds and then tackled the 6 percent grade that stretches 10 miles to the summit. All the while I imagined the work crews 90 years earlier dragging themselves and their equipment up the same slopes to build the road, bridges, embankments, arches and guard rails that I had the pleasure of seeing. Photos and postcards don’t do it justice.

“Well, the impossible takes a little longer, but the difficult we do immediately.” Going-to-the-Sun Road Engineer, 1925

I hope you take the opportunity to visit one of our many National Parks and experience the wonder of nature and to appreciate these areas that are protected, like Yellowstone, “for the enjoyment of the people”. My batteries are recharged!