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Lencioni on Healthy Organizations

Written by Ed Callahan on June 27, 2013

Implementers EOS

Here is a brief video (3 1/2 minutes) from Patrick Lencioni telling us all what we have to do to have healthy organizations. If you don’t see it, you can find it here.

Very simple stuff:

  1. We need a cohesive leadership team, all of whom are behaviorally aligned.
  2. We need an intellectually aligned leadership team.
  3. We then have to over communicate our vision and values, and
  4. We have to have human systems that reinforce all of the above.

Not easy, but simple. If you are not doing this, EOS provides the tools and discipline to accomplish them. You can download our free tools here.

My favorite nugget from this video has to do with documenting our key processes,- We have to institutionalize our organizations without beauracratizing them. EOS couldn’t agree more – document, in an entrepreneurial way, your 6-10 Core Processes and then make sure everyone follows them.

If you want help with any of this, let me know.

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