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Getting What You Want

Written by Don Tinney on September 30, 2013

Implementers EOS

Chris White, a Certified EOS Implementer in Florida recently shared a link to a thought provoking video. Click here to view the video.

For me, the key statement in the video was: "So just make sure this is something you want."

Five days before a scheduled EOS Quarterly Session with his leadership team, the business owner called me to say he might have to postpone the session. He understood how critical the session was to maintaining momentum, but it had been a challenging quarter like no other in his experience as an owner. They were hurting. One of his leaders was battling cancer and the work load was exceptionally heavy. They had made some mistakes and tension was high for everyone in the company. Postponing felt right, but he wanted to talk with his team once more before deciding.

I don’t know what he said to his team, but they showed up for the session and it was the best session we’ve done to date. They attacked their issues and concluded the day 100% on the same page with a clear plan for moving the team forward. Talk about stellar performances!

We all experience competing wants, but this team wanted a great company more than they wanted a break. That clarity set their course.

The other side of the coin is this – if you're not getting up and getting to it, you don't want it, so stop kidding yourself. Life’s too short. Go do something you care about.

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