EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

The Case for LMA

Written by Rene Boer | October 3, 2013

LMA is an abbreviation for “Leadership, Management & Accountability. Think of it as a formula; L + M = A. You can’t create Accountability, it must be taken. Accountability is an outcome, a bi-product of great Leadership and Management. Great bosses are masters of LMA. They know how to get the best from their people by keeping them energized and engaged.

A recent Gallup Poll revealed that of 100 million full-time American workers, 30% are “actively engaged” at their jobs. Jim Clifton, Gallup’s CEO asserts that this group more than likely works for a great boss. However, 20% of workers are “actively disengaged” at work. This group works for a boss that makes them miserable and as a result, they spread their discontent throughout the organization. This group is more likely to steal from their employer, miss work days and drive customers away. And, 50% of the American work force is “not engaged” at work! The cost of low productivity to American businesses is estimated to be a staggering $500 billion annually.

Clifton asserts that the single most important decision that a business owner or boss can make is who he or she names manager. Making the right decision propels their company forward while the wrong decision holds it back.

EOS uses simple tools like the LMA Checklist that asks managers to assess how well they do 5 Leadership activities and 5 Management activities. The challenge is for managers to quickly reach a point where they can answer a resounding “YES” with how well they’re doing these things with each of their direct reports. It’s simple, but not easy.

LMA is one of the most important things that great managers take accountability for. They must Get it, Want it and have the Capacity to do it. If not, they’ll never be a great manager, no matter how strong their hip-pocket skill. If they can’t develop their direct reports they’ll hold the entire organization back.

What is it worth to your company to have ALL employees “actively engaged”? What’s holding you back?