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Brene Brown Tedx Talk on Vunerability

Written by Ed Callahan on December 2, 2013

Implementers EOS

If you can’t see the above video, you can find it here on the site. Like all Ted talks it is 18 minutes long.

Why should you watch this video by Brene Brown? Do so if you want a deeper understanding of what it means to be vulnerable. What, in her opinion, is deeply flawed within us as individuals, communities, governments, and society overall. It’s compelling.

We EOS Implementers quote Patrick Lencioni all the time to our EOS clients. Lencioni says that you will achieve outstanding business results if you achieve deep levels of trust on your leadership team. Lencioni reminds us that this trust is not predictive trust, but vulnerability based trust. See my earlier posts,- this one is a video of Patrick Lencioni explaining this statement; this one is a description of Lencioni’s Dysfunction Pyramid, which explains the relationship between trust and business results.

Among the more than 600 companies who have adopted EOS, the business owners and leaders who are most successful implementing EOS are those who embrace vulnerability based trust – those who can say these three things – out loud and face to face,-

  1. I was wrong
  2. I don’t know
  3. I need help.

If you want to understand why this is so important in your life as well as in your business, please listen to Brene Brown. You’ll be glad you did.

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