EOS Worldwide Blog | Tips & Advice for Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Growing Companies

Process Component™ Roundup: 5 Posts To Move You Towards 100% Strong

Written by CJ DuBe' | October 10, 2019

In a recent Clarity Break™️ Thought, EOS® Visionary Mike Paton provided four myth-busting truths to help you discover a real passion for strengthening the fifth component of the EOS Model™  -- Process.

While it may not be the component you are most passionate about, when applied correctly, it results in simplicity, scalability, efficiency, and profitability. Results like that are sure to turn the head of any entrepreneur.

Here are five blog posts that will help you tap into that passion and move you towards being 100% strong in the Process Component:

Get More From Your Core Processes

Your company has a handful of Core Processes that truly illustrate how the company provides its product or service. And when your Leadership Team agrees on what those Core Processes are, gets everyone in the company to follow them, and documents the 20% that yield 80% of your results — magic happens.



Reviewing Core Processes

After completing the 3-Step Process Documenter™, and before the Core Process can be Followed By All (FBA), it's a best practice to do a review of the processes as a leadership team. One of the main reasons for doing this is that many processes integrate between departments and each department head will want to ensure they are in agreement with any departmental handoff points that have been defined.


Your Core Business Processes

Companies who use EOS, document their 6-10 Core Business Processes: HR, Marketing, Sales, Operations (how you deliver your product or service), Finance, and Customer Support are chief among them. They document the steps in the processes in an entrepreneurial way – using the 20/80 rule. Then they insist that these core processes are followed by all employees – no exceptions.


Are You Using A Broken Ladder To Run Your Business? 

If you’re struggling to identify and complete the Core Processes for your business, you’re not alone. Most entrepreneurs view completing a process with the same enthusiasm they have for a trip to the dentist for a root canal. However, the benefit of a well-defined process is consistency. And, when you document each of your 6 to 10 Core Processes and get everyone in your organization to follow them to the letter, you’re able to scale your business.


Why Employees Resist Process (And What To Do About It)

Believe it or not, your business already has processes that are getting things done. They may not be getting done in the best way, or on time, but they are getting done. However, if you’re not achieving the results you want, it should be apparent that your processes need review. Address them now before the need becomes more urgent.

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