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Finding Your Way with The Process Component™

Written by EOS Worldwide on February 8, 2013

It’s impossible for leadership teams and business owners to fine-tune the business and develop a strategic plan for growth if the core processes found within the organization aren’t consistent. Business coaches or EOS Implementers™ teach the value of taking a high-level view into the organization, one where leadership teams look at all of the moving parts, stepping outside of their typical role in order to fully understand the big picture. For those who are deeply entrenched in the business (as most entrepreneurs are!), this is especially important, as it’s easy for processes to fall by the wayside when team members are focused on other things.

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Traction®: Bring on the Action!

Written by EOS Worldwide on February 6, 2013

When business coaches or EOS Implementers™ talk about gaining traction in the business, they are talking about making the vision for the business a reality. Once leadership teams have solidified their vision, put the right people in the right seats and defined their way of doing business from the ground up, they are prepared to gain Traction.

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Why Organizations Need Traction

Written by EOS Worldwide on February 4, 2013

Business coaches or EOS Implementers™ teach business owners that without strengthening The Traction Component™, it’s impossible to grow a healthy business that is fully equipped to handle growth. Leadership teams who don’t have a firm grasp on the business report a lack of accountability, poor communication, and stagnation within the organization. Without having a clear sense of direction in terms of both long and short-term goals, business owners often find themselves facing chaos in the day-to-day process of conducting meetings and handling issues within the business.

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Solving the Big Stuff: The Issues Solving Track™

Written by EOS Worldwide on January 25, 2013

When leadership teams are addressing issues within the organization, business coaches or EOS Implementers™ often find that most of the time is spent discussing the issues and not enough time is spent working towards viable solutions. It can be tough for teams to solve issues when they are trying to overcome fear of conflict, lack of focus, lack of discipline, lack of commitment and personal ego. The Issues Solving Track overcomes these obstacle and helps leadership teams and departments get to the solution quickly.

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The Three Different Types of Issues Lists and Why Every Organization Needs Them

Written by EOS Worldwide on January 22, 2013

In an open and honest organization, the Issues List is a tool that creates the discipline needed to keep all business issues out in the open and organized. As business coaches or EOS Implementers™ teach, having this level of honesty in an organization means that everyone, from leadership teams and others in the organization, has a clear understanding of what your issues are.

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