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Right People – Right Seats

Written by Jeff Whittle on January 13, 2015

Sure, you’ve heard “get the right people in the right seats”. But many business leaders don’t know what that actually means. Everybody knows the mantra, but most don’t know how to make it happen.

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The First Rule in Strategic Planning Meetings - Speak Now

Written by Don Tinney on January 5, 2015

Most of us have probably heard the statement, “Speak now or forever hold your peace” in the context of a marriage ceremony. The directive presumes that wedding participants will have to live with the future consequences of failure to communicate an objection in that brief moment.

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Sore Spots

Written by Don Sasse on December 29, 2014

On a recent Saturday, my wife Trina and I along with a good friend and client went for a hike deep into the backcountry of the Cascade Mountain range. The hike (climb/scramble) consisted of 9 miles round trip with a total of nearly 2,900′ of ascent. We found yet another absolutely amazing piece of God’s creation.

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“Turn the Ship Around!” by David Marquet

Written by Ed Callahan on December 18, 2014

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How to Achieve Alignment in Your Leadership Team

Written by Don Tinney on December 15, 2014

When your leadership team is faced with a major issue, how many interests are sitting at the table? If you’re like most organizations, you have one interest for each person in the room. There’s the CEO’s interest, a Sales interest, a Finance interest, an Operations interest, an HR interest...and on and on.

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