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Leadership then Management

Written by Mike Roth on July 30, 2015

Implementers EOS Leadership Clarity Management

Leadership then ManagementAs Stephan Covey once said, "Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out."

In today's hectic business world, it is easy to get caught up in everything and lose sight of what the priorities really are. Sometimes, the priorities are clear but the execution process is difficult.

Putting Things First

Companies implementing EOS learn early that anyone with any management responsibility must do what we call LMA (Lead, Manage, and hold Accountable). Leadership without management or management without leadership is not good enough. The team deserves more than that.

Leadership is about working "On" the business. It is more "thinking" oriented and is about providing a compelling vision and clear direction. In other words, "putting first things first."

Management Is About Doing

Management is about working "In" the business. It is more "doing" oriented and is about communication, clear expectations, and execution.

Accountability is a bi-product of doing leadership and management well. The vision is clear, priorities are clear, expectations are clear, the measures are in place, everyone's roles are defined, and a discipline to execute is in place.

The more time I spend working with clients as an EOS Implementer, the more impressed I am by how the 20 EOS tools wrapped in a simple, holistic, proven system change the game for many companies.

Next Steps:

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