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3 Must-Haves to Achieve the Impossible

Written by Don Tinney on November 7, 2019

Leadership Growth Leadership Teams

EOS-blog-Dream-big-set-goals signs In the past several years, I have been regularly impressed by leadership teams that have achieved “big” things. 

At the front end looking forward, it was logical for each team, based upon their history, to conclude, "There's no way we’ll do this."

So what made the difference? How did these teams of ordinary people succeed?

What You Need to Make it Happen

Certainly, there are many contributing factors, but I think three things were necessary in all cases:

  1. Belief. A majority of the team believed they could do it. Just because they hadn't done it in the past didn't mean they couldn't in the future. That core belief was essential at the start. Initial unbelievers either became believers later or exited as the rest of the team moved forward.
  2. Desire. Wanting to change and get to a better place was also essential. Leaders didn't all share the same level of desire, but most of the initial team members wanted to advance from where they were to something better and they were willing to experience discomfort to get there.
  3. The Way. All of these teams followed a systematic process (EOS® ), taking the specified steps to progress incrementally from where they were to where they wanted to be. Having the path clearly marked made it much easier for the teams to do what initially seemed unthinkable.

Just because you haven't, doesn't mean you can't. Believe it, want it, and use EOS to get it.

Next Steps: 

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