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Two Disciplines to Get the Most from Business Meetings

Written by Christina Mack on October 25, 2010

Implementers EOS Results Issues List Team Meetings Business

One of the biggest and fastest impacts you can have on your organization in terms of better communication, accountability, team health, and results is by having a weekly meeting with your leadership team.

Your weekly meeting should focus on making sure everything important is on track and that you’re solving all relevant issues for the week and removing all obstacles and barriers for your people. The agenda for this meeting we recommend is the Level 10 Meeting. It has been tested and proven over 10 years with hundreds of companies. Go to the Helpful Tools area of our website where you can Download Tools for free, you can download a copy of the agenda there.

Assuming you’re meeting weekly, employ these two disciplines to maximize your meetings’ results and create 100 percent focus and engagement in them:

  • have a no-cell-phone-and-laptop rule (yes, this includes iPads)
  • always break together as a team so you’re all there from start to finish, in the same “routine”

These two meeting disciplines will eliminate the distractions that lead to having to repeat things often because someone wasn’t in the room or wasn’t paying attention – two issues that dilute the quality of any meeting.

The increase in attention and engagement leads to more issues being solved and solved better. It also creates more and better involvement from everyone.

Please start your next meeting by stating a new guideline: “No cell phones or laptops, and let’s break together.” You will see instant results.

Also, for better offline meetings, while you are taking advantage of our downloadable business tools, download a copy of the Offline Meeting Track.

More Blog Posts: ← Leadership Team Development #17 – Great Managers Have the Right Meeting Pulse | Leadership Team Development #18 – Great Managers Do Quarterly One-On-Ones