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Helping Your Leadership Team Get More Done

Written by Gino Wickman on August 9, 2010

Implementers EOS Leadership Issues List Team Goals

One of the most effective disciplines we teach all of our clients is compartmentalizing.

If you find your team juggling countless lists, priorities, and action items and don’t know where to start, compartmentalizing will help you put everything in its proper place. You’ll find yourself getting more done, feeling more focused, and being more organized. You can start today. Here’s how:

Take all your lists/priorities and put them in one of the following four compartments:

  1. Annual Goals: The 3 to 7 most important priorities for the year go in this compartment.
  2. Quarterly Rocks: The 3 to 7 most important priorities for the quarter go in this compartment.
  3. Weekly To-Do List: Anything that is a one-week action item goes on the To-Do List and is tracked in your weekly leadership team meeting.
  4. Issues: This compartment is broken down into 2 sub-compartments
    1. Long-Term Issues List: Every issue, problem, opportunity, or idea that you need to get to someday and don’t want to lose track of or can’t solve this quarter is put on your Long-Term Issues List (the parking lot).
    2. Short-Term Issues List: Any issues that arise and must be solved during the quarter go onto your weekly leadership team meeting Issues List. 

This creates a simple system for managing all your priorities. It will free up your mind, and you’ll gain more traction.

Do it today!

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