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My client said: “People are actually listening to me!”

Written by Chris White on March 21, 2013

Implementers EOS

ListenI recently started the EOS Process with a new client and in our 1st meeting they were introduced to the Level 10 Meeting Agenda. The Level 10 Meeting Agenda incorporates the psychology of what makes for great weekly meetings, forcing you to look at and address what is most important, solving your issues as they arise. In my experience as a Certified EOS Implementer, everyone typically fights the L10 agenda at first. I hear excuses like: “we don’t have time each week to meet”, or “we can’t commit to the same day and same time every week, we’re too busy.” I’ve heard them all and this client was no exception. After listening to all of their excuses, I reminded them how they all complained about their previous meeting format prior to starting with EOS and asked them “what do you have to lose?” They agreed to give it a try. The week after our Focus Day, I was contacted by one of the Leadership Team members thanking me for giving them a voice in their first L10 meeting. The team member went on to explain how they always felt “walked on” in their meetings, never able to get a word in without someone interrupting or talking over them. By following the L10 Agenda Issue Solving Track (IDS: Identify/Discuss/Solve), they were able to “Tee Up” an issue to the team and explain it without being interrupted. “People were actually listening to me!” they said.

I’d like to take credit for giving this person “their voice” in meetings but I can’t. I introduced them to a simple, practical tool that when followed makes for productive meetings. The L10 meeting agenda gives everyone a voice in a meeting.

Like most other clients, they fought against the L10 Meeting but now they fight for it!

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