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Chris White

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How To Make Your Good Team A Great Team

Written by Chris White on December 12, 2019

One of the toughest obstacles for a leadership team of a company to overcome is “vulnerability-based trust” where it’s safe to have conflict and take risks rather than fear them. It’s human nature to avoid uncomfortable or risky situations. 

Sure, there are people who are calm, cool and collected when the heat rises in a meeting but most become quiet or at least wait till someone else breaks the ice.

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Four Elements of Leadership and Management

Written by Chris White on May 16, 2019

There are thousands of books written about how to be an effective leader or manager and just as many “Top 10” lists of activities to do every day. The problem is, these books tend to be complex, and the lists don’t give context.

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Build A Company Culture Of Accomplishment

Written by Chris White on May 9, 2019

All too often, leaders and team managers in business overlook the importance of celebrating small wins.

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Celebrate the small wins and build a culture of accomplishment

Written by Chris White on February 25, 2016

All too often, leaders and managers of teams in business, overlook the importance of celebrating small wins. Have you ever heard your boss say “It’s about time this team made some progress”? (I know I have in my early career in corporate sales) Although the intent was to recognize progress, the tone was negative and uninspiring.  

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The other side of fear is greatness

Written by Chris White on June 23, 2014

I just received the June issue of Entrepreneur magazine and immediately opened to page 14 to read the “Editor’s Note” by Amy C. Cosper, Editor in Chief. How can you pass on an article titled: Giving Fear the Finger. Who hasn’t given the finger at one point or another in their life?! (and even if you haven’t, you’ve wanted too)

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