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5 Tips to Help You Get More With Less

Written by Rene Boer on April 4, 2013

Implementers EOS

less is more in wood typeDoing more doesn’t necessarily help you get more from your business. Instead of trying to do more, focus on doing less. Here are five practical, real-world tips from my clients that have helped them get better traction:

1. Reduce the number of meetings

Ask yourself, “What is the value of people’s time?” Some meetings are called solely for the purpose of relaying information. Can this information be relayed by a regularly scheduled email blast or newsletter? The purpose of most meetings should be to establish priorities and solve problems.

2. Reduce the number of people attending meetings

Does everyone in the meeting really need to be there? Do you have the right people in the meeting? Do they help you identify the root cause of issues? Do they add value to your discussion and help you find the right solution? Is being in the meeting the best use of their time or could they being doing something else instead?

3. Reduce what’s being measured on the Company Scorecard

Look at the activities that are being measured. Which ones are most important to the company? Often times too many department-level numbers appear on the company scorecard. Why? Is the issue lack of data or lack of trust or accountability to deliver the number?

4. Reduce the number of Rocks

Are the Rocks the most important things that must get done in the next 90 days that will help you meet your annual goals? Completing Rocks is a good indication of how good you are at predicting, prioritizing and overall accountability. Choose less and choose wisely.

5. Delegate the “Stuff”

Are the things that consume your day helping you get more from your business? Delegate the stuff that you might like doing but that doesn’t really move you forward. These things are often on a check list. Hand off some of it to an assistant who can also help you prioritize your email and phone calls. Meeting with this person each day for 15 minutes can boost your productivity and simplify your life.

Challenge people in your organization to get more with less. I once had an assistant tell me she needed a second file two-drawer cabinet. We went through the files together and ended up with an empty drawer. Less is more.

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